Why Vitamin C? - SkinCureAsia

Why Vitamin C?

Why Vitamin C ? 

Posted by Gomolemo Makolomako - Sens8ate Skincare Botanicals.


My mother used to ensure I took Vitamin C supplements when I had a cold and you will find Vitamin C in many cold and flu remedies, so we know it is a great healing agent for the body. What is less well known are the antioxidant benefits that Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can have on the skin when applied topically.

Vitamin C and Your Skin 

Skin experts are now focusing on the powerful rejuvenating benefits Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has on the skin because of its wonderful anti-aging properties as it is known to improve collagen production. Collagen is important as it helps keeps your skin firm and it is also part of your skins defences in that it is resilient in working to protect it from looking old and wrinkled.  

As an antioxidant Vitamin C is also very important as it helps to protect the skin from a process called oxidation.

Without getting too complicated when something is oxidised it basically means that one item will steal another item from something and replace it with something else. The entire process of oxidation is one of deterioration and in the case of skin, oxidation can damage vital molecules in our cells, including DNA and proteins, which are responsible for many body processes. Molecules such as DNA are needed for cells to function properly, so if too many are damaged, the cell can malfunction or die. Therefore, antioxidants are important and a substance such as Vitamin C or E being a natural antioxidant can remove potentially damaging oxidising agents from the skin.


Cleansers – Topical Application

The main role of a cleanser is to effectively wash the skin, exfoliate and remove impurities.  A   good cleanser will do all these things whilst not drying out the skin and removing natural properties that balance the skin. A vitamin C Cleanser can therefore wash the skin preferably in the manner described, whilst also brightening the skin and assisting with the role of boosting your collagen to keep your skin looking younger.

Moisturisers & Serums

The job of a moisturiser is to hydrate the skin and lock in moisture so that your skin won’t dry out during the day. One should expect that a Serum will typically include a larger percentage of ingredients than a moisturiser so that they can provide an enhanced ability to penetrate the skin. A Vitamin C Serum will  contain a much higher concentrate of ascorbic acid and should be expected to improve collagen and fight the anti-aging process even more.        

If you are using a Vitamin C Serum you should use it twice a day and apply moisturiser over it but be sure to give the Serum time to be absorbed into the skin. If you are using make up then this should be applied on top of the moisturiser.


  1. Ascorbic acid: A water soluble vitamin occurring naturally in citrus fruits. Ascorbic acid is the technical term for Vitamin C.
  2. Antioxidant: A substance that inhibits oxidation, especially one used to counteract the deterioration of stored food products. A substance such as vitamin C or E that removes potentially damaging oxidizing agents in a living organism.
  3. Collagen: A class of proteins abundant in the skin and other parts of the body like bone, teeth, tendons etc which forms strong fibers and serving as connecting tissue between cells.
  4. Topically: applied externally to a particular or part of the body.
  5. Oxidation: combine or become combined chemically with oxygen.
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